Monica Prince

“Writing: A Life” Reading and Q&A with Monica Prince

Bishop Library Atrium or Zoom

Join us at the Bishop Library Atrium or online for a reading and Q&A session with Monica Prince. Readings are free and open to all. Registration required for Zoom session.

About Monica Prince

Monica Prince, associate professor of activist and performance writing, serves as Director of Africana Studies at Susquehanna University in Pennsylvania. She is the author of Roadmap: A Choreopoem, How to Exterminate the Black Woman: A ChoreopoemInstructions for Temporary Survival, and Letters from the Other Woman. Her work appears in Wildness, The Missouri Review, The Texas ReviewThe Rumpus, MadCap ReviewAmerican Poetry Journal, and elsewhere. As one of the foremost choreopoem scholars, Prince writes, teaches, and performs choreopoems across the nation.

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