L-R: AJ Frownfelter, Daury Ramirez, Valerie Bildheiser, Cassidy Norris, Jacob Franklin, Victoria Moreno, Roman Schelhorn, Logan Polak

Inclusive Excellence

We Belong, Together

“Inclusive Excellence is a core value at Lebanon Valley College. It reaffirms the college’s commitment to excellence through diversity, equity, and inclusion. As a collaborative process, it unites LVC’s students, faculty, staff, and alumni and sets the framework for growing and sustaining a learning and working community where a sense of belonging is experienced by everyone, and every person feels valued and respected.”
—Dr. Felicia Brown-Haywood, vice president of diversity, equity, and inclusive excellence

Lebanon Valley College acknowledges that the land on which our institution is located is within the historic homelands of the Susquehannock Tribal Nation. We further acknowledge the painful history of genocide and forced removal from this territory, and we honor and respect the many diverse peoples who have and continue to cultivate relationships to this land.

Dear Campus Community,

Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Education clarified that the recent Executive Order freezing federal grants and loans will NOT affect student loans and Pell Grants. I know that students and families were concerned about their ability to attend LVC if grants and loans were unavailable, and I am very thankful that this is not the case.

With so much change occurring at the federal level, there exists much uncertainty about the impact decisions about many areas—including federal grant funding, Title IX, and diversity, equity, and inclusion work—will have on higher education. We cannot know what the future holds as Executive Orders work their way through the government and courts. LVC will continue to seek guidance from the College’s legal counsel and higher-education organizations such as ACE and NAICU. We may not always have fast answers or immediately clear direction, but we promise to continually monitor the landscape and act as diligently as possible to determine the best course forward for LVC and its stakeholders.

What I can assure you is that LVC remains committed to its mission and values and will operate according to the principles they outline, within, of course, the confines of the law.

We value:

  • Placing students at the center of every decision
  • Broad and deep learning
  • Critical thinking, communication, analytical, and creative skills
  • Inclusive Excellence
  • Mentorship
  • Health and wellness
  • Kindness, community, and relationships
  • Service and global citizenship
  • Adaptability and innovation
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Shared governance

Our Mission: Lebanon Valley College educates students for lifelong success through exceptional undergraduate liberal-arts programs and professional graduate programs delivered in an engaging and supportive academic and co-curricular environment. We educate our students to think critically and creatively, analyze and address complex issues, and communicate effectively. We guide them in deepening their commitment to inclusion, civic engagement, and global citizenship.

My Best,
President MacLaren

Kente Intercultural Graduation

Office of DEI & Belonging

The Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging provides vital resources that help the entire campus community put our values into action. It facilitates campus-wide programming for students, faculty, staff, and administrators focused on increasing diversity, promoting equity, and advocating for justice.

Dr. Matthew Silvis, Dr. Shauntey James, T Horning, John Lawn, and TaLisa Ramos-Watts

Symposium on Inclusive Excellence

The annual Symposium on Inclusive Excellence encourages students and staff to learn, grow, and commit as a campus to comprehensive and continuing engagement with our diverse community. An entire day is reserved for a featured keynote speaker and educational sessions that inspire open dialogue.

Learn and Join

Find connections and support, keep learning, and work toward equity and justice.

Statement of Non-discrimination

We believe open expression and mutual respect for diverse individuals must exist together for our community to thrive. Please do your part to make LVC a safe space for everyone.