Student Government
One of Student Government’s major responsibilities is to foster understanding, communication, and cooperation among students, faculty, and administrators. It serves as a channel for student recommendations for establishing or changing policy and communicates these recommendations to the appropriate administrative offices or faculty committees.
Student Government is composed of 36 full-time students. Twenty-seven upper-class students are elected from the student body each spring for a one-year term beginning in September. This includes four class officers, four class representatives, and a commuter representative from each returning class. In addition, nine first-year students are elected in September. Students must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher to be eligible for election.
Each spring the budget finance committee conducts hearings for the allocation of funds from the student activities fee to approved clubs and organizations. The committee makes its allocation recommendations to Student Government for approval. All clubs and organizations receiving funds must submit a financial statement to Student Government each semester.
With the director of student engagement, Student Government coordinates and provides financing for student activities. They also plan major campus-wide events including Homecoming and Winter Formal.
Student Resources
LVC students can learn about Student Government Nominations and Probationary Club Review in MyLVC.
Executive Board 2024–25:
President: | Maddie Ayers | mma002@lvc.edu |
Vice-President for Student Affairs: | Reinhold Louis | rml004@lvc.edu |
Vice-President for Academic Affairs: | Marina Biltcliff | meb018@lvc.edu |
Treasurer: | Roman Schelhorn | rks005@lvc.edu |
Secretary: | Valerie Bildheiser | vmb001@lvc.edu |
Communications: | Mya Maloney | mem012@lvc.edu |
Class of 2025:
President: | Reinhold Louis | rml004@lvc.edu |
Vice-President: | Maddie Ayers | mma002@lvc.edu |
Treasurer: | Ainsley Buia | agb005@lvc.edu |
Secretary: | Valerie Bildheiser | vmb001@lvc.edu |
Representatives: | Sophie Piepmeier | sap007@lvc.edu |
Kaitlyn Snyder | kms025@lvc.edu | |
Caleb Gonder | cjg003@lvc.edu | |
Commuter Rep: | Heather Reigle | her003@lvc.edu |
Equity Rep: | Tabitha Gilbert | tjg006@lvc.edu |
Class of 2026:
President: | Roman Schelhorn | rks005@lvc.edu |
Vice-President: | Caroleena Orta | co005@lvc.edu |
Treasurer: | Marina Biltcliff | meb018@lvc.edu |
Secretary: | Camryn Cataldi | clc009@lvc.edu |
Representatives: | Kyah Starr | krs019@lvc.edu |
Preston Ziegenfuss | pcz001@lvc.edu | |
Coyla Bartholomew | cb026@lvc.edu | |
Commuter Rep: | Tristan Neye | tnn002@lvc.edu |
Equity Rep: | Sierra Kapcsos | snk006@lvc.edu |
Class of 2027:
President: | Blake Weaver | bmw003@lvc.edu |
Vice-President: | Dakota Brodzina | dnb006@lvc.edu |
Treasurer: | Katie Muller | kmm027@lvc.edu |
Secretary: | Mya Maloney | mem012@lvc.edu |
Representatives: | Jorja Fisher | jgf002@lvc.edu |
Alycia Qualls | agq001@lvc.edu | |
Meredith Roman | mcr004@lvc.edu | |
Commuter Rep: | Aliyah Uffner | amu001@lvc.edu |
Equity Rep: | Anna Tokle | act007@lvc.edu |
Class of 2028:
President: | Grace Kauffman | gmk003@lvc.edu |
Vice-President: | Lauren Frazier | lmf005@lvc.edu |
Treasurer: | Andrea Echegoyen | ace008@lvc.edu |
Secretary: | Drue Delph | dad009@lvc.edu |
Representatives: | Anna Sawicki | ams059@lvc.edu |
Ava Steinfelt | ams053@lvc.edu | |
Mason Bender | mab027@lvc.edu | |
Commuter Rep: | JT Miller | jm059@lvc.ed |
Equity Rep: | Tola Oyinkolade | oo003@lvc.edu |