Economics Mission, Goals, & Objectives
The Lebanon Valley College Department of Business, Accounting, and Economics seeks to make LVC the school of choice among selected high-potential, college-bound high school seniors and college sophomore transfer students in Pennsylvania and surrounding Mid-Atlantic states. The specific mission of each departmental program is to build on the flexibility and breadth of the liberal arts curriculum of the college and help each student develop the particular skill set essential to launch and manage their careers. In pursuit of this mission, the Department holds to a set of core values: collegiality, professionalism, and respect for colleagues’ academic freedom; achievement through collaboration and teamwork; integrity supported by ethical behavior; exceptional communication skills; and continuous improvement using ACBSP accreditation benchmarks and best practices. These values facilitate the interactions within the Department and across the campus deemed essential to success in this endeavor.
Economics Program Goals
Program Goal 1: Students will develop the skills needed to analyze and address economic issues, contribute to policymaking, and excel in various professional roles within the field of economics.
- Students will demonstrate a thorough understanding of microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics as fundamental economic concepts and models.
- Students will utilize mathematical and statistical tools to analyze economic data, evaluate policies, and solve complex economic problems.
Program Goal 2: Students will demonstrate effective communication skills.
- Students will demonstrate effective communication in method, manner, and content particular to their discipline through the organization, presentation, formatting and stylistic choices in their written and oral communications.
- Students will communicate clearly and persuasively in various business contexts both in writing and orally, as well as present ideas effectively in class discussions and formal presentations.
- Students will synthesize communication skills with leadership skills to both lead teams and collaborate effectively in teams.
Program Goal 3: Students will demonstrate advanced critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
- Students will analyze complex business situations, identify problems, and develop strategic solutions using both quantitative and qualitative methods.
- Students will apply course material to problem-solving and decisions in core business disciplines, demonstrating a broad understanding of how different functions integrate within an organization.
- Students will construct perspectives reflective of business environments in which cultural diversity and disciplinary practices are consistent with the challenges of operating in a global economy.
Program Goal 4: Students will display the knowledge and competencies necessary to work effectively as a professional in the field of study.
- Students will utilize contemporary business technologies and data analytics tools to make informed decisions and foster business innovation.
- Students will consider ethical implications and social responsibilities in business decisions, promoting sustainable and socially responsible business practices.
For more information on learning goals and outcomes, contact institutionalresearch@lvc.edu.
Additional Information
Faculty supporting the Bachelor of Arts in Economics major at Lebanon Valley College is committed to designing, developing and implementing an economics curriculum comparable in content and quality to the best social science-based economics programs in the country in order to:
- Assure the development of critical thinking and analytical skills, knowledge of economic theories and their application, intellectual flexibility and versatility, and motivation to successfully complete their chosen graduate programs.
- Assure students have the ability to think through the kinds of problems they will encounter in their professional careers.
- Assure students are equipped to self-learn new knowledge and new problem-solving techniques.
- Assure students have developed a solid ethical foundation from which to assess the consequences of their decisions and actions.
- Prepare students for the launch of their careers and/or for the entry into the graduate program appropriate to their individual career aspirations.
Students completing a B.A. in Economics at Lebanon Valley College will demonstrate and possess:
- An understanding of the fundamental knowledge in the areas of macroeconomics, microeconomics, and general economic theory.
- Fundamental knowledge of key aspects of social policy that are derived from economic theory including how countries interact for economic purposes, how countries develop policy, and the assessment of issues related to the consequences of policy implementation.
- A fundamental understanding of the nature of economic research including exposure to methods of discovery, methods of analysis, and methods of communication appropriate to the field. Special emphasis will be placed on the use of quantitative analysis techniques to describe, investigate, analyze, and evaluate issues.
- The ability to apply economic theory to historic, current, or future contexts.
- The ability to effectively pursue these investigations either alone or in small groups.
- The ability to effectively develop, present and defend arguments surrounding an issue in both written and oral formats appropriate to the economics discipline.
- The ability to effectively work either alone or in small groups.
- The ability to select and use the appropriate technology for research, analysis, and communications.
- Effective fundamental project management skills.
- An assertive and active approach to launching and managing their care.