What is the CARE Team?

The Lebanon Valley College CARE team is a group of faculty and staff dedicated to the health, wellness, and success of each student academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.

Our dedicated staff works collaboratively to cultivate Confidence, Accountability, Resilience, and Engagement in every student.

The team identifies and develops an individualized success plan for students who may experience a variety of challenges and can benefit from additional support or assistance.

This outreach is to help make students aware of available resources, establish or strengthen connections in the LVC community, and support students to achieve their academic, personal, and professional goals.

What does the CARE Team do?

The CARE team meets weekly to review cases and determine an appropriate outreach approach based on the students’ needs. Every referred student is assigned a primary point of contact.

The CARE team develops an individualized plan to work with the student to best address the students’ needs and challenges. This plan may include weekly meetings, connection to additional resources, or merely a check-in meeting. The CARE team member will follow up to ensure that the student’s needs are met.

What does the CARE Team not do?

Although the CARE team includes members from many areas on campus, certain services are outside our expertise.

  • Emergencies (mental health, physical injuries, etc.) If a student is in immediate danger to themselves or the community, contact campus safety (717-867-6111) or dial 911. CARE team members often follow up with students who have experienced a crisis, but emergencies must be addressed immediately via emergency services.
  • LVC’s counseling services are designed to promote a holistic view of wellness in mind, body, and spirit. While CARE team members often serve as a mentor to students, any student in need of counseling should see our licensed counselors.
  • Write excusals for students. As stated in our name, the CARE team works with students to encourage personal accountability. We are happy to work through any issues impeding student success, but we expect students to do their part.
What issues can the CARE Team help with?

Students are automatically referred to the CARE team if their GPA falls below a certain threshold:

  • 2.5 for first-year students
  • 2.0 for upper-level students

This is to ensure that students are connected with resources and support to help them stay on track toward graduation requirements.

Students are referred to the CARE team because of concerning change in behavior, in or out of the classroom.

These changes can include academic performance, financial status, personal or emotional distress, recent illness or injury, or any number of challenges students may face.

Who is on the CARE Team?

Team Leaders

  • Dr. Susan Tammaro, Associate Provost
  • Jeremy Maisto, M.S., Associate Dean of Academic Success and Registrar
  • Elizabeth Julian, M.A., Assistant Dean for Student Success and Retention

Representation from the following departments:

  • Center for Academic Success and Exploratory Majors
  • Center for Accessibility Resources
  • Academic Affairs (Dean of Faculty, Assistant Dean, and Director of General Education)
  • Business Office
  • Counseling Services
  • Campus Safety
  • Residential Life
  • Athletics Financial Aid
  • Intercultural Affairs
  • Student Engagement
What happens when a student meets with a CARE Team member?

We are committed to protecting our students and ensuring that their experience with the CARE team is positive and productive. Most importantly, our student’s privacy is a priority, and all information discussed is private within the CARE team unless there is an immediate threat to the safety of the student or community.

Supporting students is the CARE Team’s job! The CARE Team member is there to listen, offer advice and guidance, and connect students to appropriate campus resources. Weekly meetings help hold students accountable and keep them on track. Sometimes, only a quick meeting is needed to solve a specific issue. Regardless, students should consider it an assignment to follow through and accept assistance from the appropriate source(s). Achieving academic success means being proactive, accepting help, utilizing resources, and maximizing your potential.