Global Ambassadors

Contact your Study Abroad Alumni that are happy to talk to you about their experiences studying abroad. Ask your questions to LVC students who have been in your shoes.

Meet the Global Ambassadors

Kendall Halsey

Kendall Halsey – Dublin, Ireland Semester

“I enjoyed studying in Dublin, Ireland because I had access to other European countries and was able to check several places off my bucket list. Everyone in Dublin was so nice and I loved how accessible several points of interest were from the city. I made lifelong friendships with other LVC students and memories that I will never forget.”

Abigail Nagle

Abigail Nagle – Dublin, Ireland Semester

“Growing up I have always had a passion for traveling. My favorite part about studying abroad was exploring new places, experiencing different cultures, and meeting people from around the world. Interacting and adapting to different cultures and environments has taught me critical skills I will need as a physical therapist.”

Lauren Miller

Lauren Miller – Dublin, Ireland Semester

“I was inspired to study abroad by other LVC students who had previously studied abroad and was able to do so through the Dublin program. My favorite parts of studying abroad include exploring both the city and the beautiful Irish countryside.”

Kaylen Leiby

Kaylen Leiby – Dublin, Ireland Semester

“I always dreamed of studying abroad, and LVC made it possible with the Dublin, Ireland program. My favorite part of studying abroad was traveling and experiencing different cultures firsthand. Ireland was a great location as we were able to visit other cities in Europe during the semester. I learned many lessons while abroad, and the skills I developed will help me as a future Speech-Language Pathologist.”

Mariel Davis

Mariel Davis – Dublin, Ireland Semester

“I am a physical therapy major, and I was inspired by my first-year mentor who studied abroad. I have a love for traveling and have been to Ireland before my semester abroad. While in Ireland, I loved meeting new people that I wouldn’t have met otherwise and being able to travel and explore new places with them. One of my favorite memories was celebrating and attending the St. Patrick’s Day parade with friends.”

Abbey DeLisio visiting Giant's Causeway while studying abroad in Ireland

Abbey DeLisio – Dublin, Ireland Semester

“My name is Abbey DeLisio, and I am a physical therapy major. Studying abroad in Dublin allowed me to learn not only about a new country, but also about myself. It was an amazing experience to not only travel around Ireland, but also all over Europe. Having these experiences and making new connections made this the opportunity of a lifetime. I highly encourage anyone even slightly interested in study abroad to contact Jill and learn more about the programs. Any study abroad trip is truly life changing.”

Katherine Clarkson studying abroad in Ireland

Katherine Clarkson – Dublin, Ireland Semester

“My name is Katherine and I’m a physical therapy student. During my sophomore spring semester, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Dublin, Ireland. I learned so much about myself and the world around me. No matter your major, I strongly believe the experience of studying abroad is beneficial to self-growth. Of course, in the beginning, I was hesitant to leave the only place I knew, but it was worth being uncomfortable to have the most eye-opening experience. Your growth as a student, a friend, and an individual will surprise you! I hope you decide to push out of your comfort zone and explore what’s out there!”

Nicole DiAmico studying abroad in Ireland

Nicole DiAmico – Dublin, Ireland Semester

“I am an athletic training major with a Spanish minor and traveled to Dublin, Ireland during the spring of my sophomore year. I loved learning about the different cultures and ways of life in the countries I traveled to. Seeing the sites of important moments for civilization, for example, Rome, and how these places have stayed intact for so long was very interesting. I learned so much about myself and the world in such a short period of time. I cannot recommend studying abroad enough.”

Victoria Moreno

Victoria Moreno – Costa Rica Summer

“I am a second year Exploratory major with a Spanish minor. I studied abroad the summer after my first year. My favorite things about Costa Rica are the wildlife, the culture, and the people! I was able to improve my Spanish, make more connections, and new skills that I brought back home with me.”

Tyler Snavely

Tyler Snavely – Costa Rica Summer

“I am a Biology major with minors in Chemistry and Spanish. I studied abroad in Costa Rica in the summer of 2022, and it was truly the best experience of my life. Traveling to another country and meeting new people was certainly challenging but extremely rewarding for me. Not only did I improve my ability to speak a second language, but I got to witness a beautiful country with friends from both college and the host country.”

Elena Tulli studying abroad in Valencia, Spain

Elena Tulli – Valencia, Spain Semester

“I am Elena Tulli, a speech language pathology major and Spanish minor here at LVC. I had the privilege of studying abroad, where I made new friends and learned about the language and culture in Spain. Having this opportunity helped me grow as a person and observe the true beauty of Valencia, Spain.”

Eleanor Deeg studying abroad in Spain

Eleanor Deeg – Valencia, Spain Semester

“I am a speech-language pathology and Spanish double major and had the amazing opportunity to spend a semester studying abroad in Valencia, Spain. I was fully immersed in the culture and was able to broaden my horizons and gain new perspectives on life. Study abroad was both one of the most challenging and most rewarding experiences and I returned home with some of my favorite memories and life lessons. I am so grateful to have experienced such a beautiful country and culture and look forward to continuing to travel and apply what I have learned in my journey as a student and future SLP.”

LVC student Danny McHale in New Zealand

Danny McHale – New Zealand Semester

“My name is Danny McHale and I am a physical therapy student here at LVC. I have always had a passion for travel and nature and the opportunity to study abroad in New Zealand fulfilled both of those. As my first time out of the country, I was definitely a little out of my comfort zone to begin with, but after settling in, it was probably the best experience I have ever had. The combination of great people and natural beauty throughout New Zealand made for an amazing experience and memories that will last a lifetime.” were extremely immersive and required you to step out of your comfort zone. The entire experience left me extremely motivated.”

LVC student Jordyn Grossman in New Zealand

Jordyn Grossman – New Zealand Semester

“My name is Jordyn Grossman and I am an exercise science major. I studied abroad spring semester of my Sophomore year. Going to New Zealand allowed me to follow my passion for travelling. I loved studying abroad because I was able to travel all over the country as well as Australia. I was also able to immerse myself in the culture and appreciate the nature. I was able to make lifelong friendships with people from all over the world. I truly feel like this experience allowed me to grow and shaped me for my future. I cannot recommend study abroad enough!”

Meg McCracken studying abroad in Poland

Meg McCracken – Poland Summer Program

“Hi! My name is Meg McCracken, and I am studying physical therapy. Although I know the end goal for my prospective career, I am still figuring out which specialty to focus on, so exploring different areas of healthcare in Poland was beneficial and allowed me to experience a wide variety of areas I otherwise wouldn’t have. I had so much fun strengthening my relationships with people from many walks of life and backgrounds, including other physical therapy students from LVC, with whom I otherwise may not have become life-long friends. While the trip was exciting and quite fast-paced, relaxing and enjoying the hospitality ingrained in the friendly and generous Polish culture was refreshing. My time abroad was so beneficial for my future in the healthcare system, not only being able to appreciate modern physical therapy techniques but also understanding the importance of history and how it shapes the people we become.”

LVC student Lindsey Snyder abroad in England

Lindsey Snyder – London Semester

“I’ve always had an interest in visiting England and study abroad offered me the best opportunity to immerse myself in the culture and environment. I was able to travel all over Europe and have new experiences that are unique to study abroad. I left London knowing more about myself, and with new life-long friendships.”

Caden Freer studying abroad in Perugia, Italy

Caden Freer – Italy Summer Program

“My name is Caden Freer, I am a business administration major on the men’s ice hockey team. I loved the culture I was exposed to in Italy and the schedule we had. The classes were extremely immersive and required you to step out of your comfort zone. The entire experience left me extremely motivated.”

LVC student Ashanti Ros with fellow students in Italy

Ashanti Ros – Italy Summer Program

“I found out about LVC’s study abroad programs walking into Mund one day and viewing materials at an information table. I didn’t think that I would actually find interest in something. I looked at the classes offered in the Italy summer study abroad program which offered one writing class and one class of your choice. The classes could satisfy a major requirement and a general education requirement for me. While in Perugia I really came to love exploring on my own and making new friends. There was a pretty big nightlife which made the experience fun all around.”

LVC student Jamie Sweigart in Ireland

Jamie Sweigart – Ireland Semester

“From a young age my family enjoyed traveling which prompted my choice of studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland. I enjoyed immersing myself in another culture and constantly learning new things about Ireland. I loved the ease of traveling across Europe and seeing cities that I never imagined I would be able to visit. Some of my favorite moments were being able to meet Dublin locals and being able to meet relatives that I have not seen in many years. Studying abroad has allowed me to become a more compassionate and globally aware person and has given me life lessons that I will continue to use for the rest of my life.”

LVC student Lauren Jancsarics in New Zealand

Lauren Jancsarics – New Zealand Semester

“The best way for me to describe my time abroad is as “eye-opening.” For four months, I explored things I never thought I would have had the chance to see in my lifetime while pursuing a college degree. This time allows you to see what life is really about, including adventures and plenty of excitement, and lets you embrace yourself since you’re entirely on your own. You have the opportunity to build friendships with people from the country you are staying in, people from LVC, other people from different countries around the world, and maybe even an Olympian if you’re lucky, which is such a unique experience!”

Umbra Podcast

Join Caden Freer (LVC), Diego Pena-Parr (University of New Mexico) and Tyler Nelson (University of South Carolina) as they explore the essence of cultural immersion, bringing real examples from their academic and student life here in Perugia.