Music Mission, Goals, & Objectives
The Mission of the LVC Department of Music is to provide a comprehensive program of study for professional careers in musical arts, music production, music business and music education. We are committed to creating an educational experience that combines excellence in musicianship with the academic rigors of the discipline.
Our goals are to:
- Prepare music majors for professional careers in music
- Immerse students in the art and practice of music within a liberal arts environment
- Contribute to the cultural enrichment of the college and community
- Provide students with an atmosphere of safety and well-being
- Facilitate student appreciation of diversity, the practice of inclusiveness, and commitment to global citizenship
Music Program Vision Statement
Bachelor of Arts in Music (MUS): To holistically prepare students for careers in music with a strong liberal arts background, by providing a learner-centered, authentic learning environment that facilitates the gradual construction of personal and professional knowledge of the student’s specific concentration in the music program.
Music Program Goals and Objectives
The department’s mission statement grows out of the College’s statement and is supported by the following broad goals and objectives:
Program Goal 1: Students will be effective performers.
- Students will demonstrate proficiency on their principle applied medium.
- Students will demonstrate proficiency in reading music notation.
- Students will demonstrate fundamental proficiency in keyboard skills.
- Students will demonstrate fundamental proficiency in vocal skills.
Program Goal 2: Students will achieve musical literacy.
- Students will demonstrate knowledge of musical styles, forms, processes, and their cultural context.
- Students will demonstrate proficient analytical listening skills.
Program Goal 3: Students will apply knowledge of musical concepts by creating music.
- Students will demonstrate musical literacy in original composition and/or improvisation.
Program Goal 4: Students will demonstrate professional competence in their area of specialization.*
- Students will integrate their knowledge and skills in activities specific to their field.
- Students will apply this knowledge base in a capstone experience.
*Music programs (Music Production, Music Education, and Music) separately define and assess professional competence in each area of specialization.
Video evidence of effective performances can be found here.
For more information on learning goals and outcomes, contact institutionalresearch@lvc.edu.