Sarah Cypher headshot

“Writing: A Life” Reading and Q&A with Sarah Cypher

Bishop Library Atrium or Zoom

Join us at the Bishop Library Atrium or online for a reading and Q&A session with Sarah Cypher. Readings are free and open to all. Registration required for Zoom session.

About Sarah Cypher

Sarah Cypher is a freelance book editor and author of The Skin and Its Girl (Ballantine, April 2023). She holds an MFA from the Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College, where she was a Rona Jaffe Graduate Creative Writing Fellow in Fiction, and a BA from Carnegie Mellon University. Her writing has appeared in the Washington PostLit Hub, Electric Literature, New Ohio Review, North American Review, Crab Orchard Review, and others, and she has been a resident at the Headlands Center for the Arts and Vermont Studio Center. She grew up in a Lebanese Christian family near Pittsburgh and lives in Washington, D.C., with her wife.

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