Dr. Erica L. Unger

Erica Unger ’98

Director of Neuroscience
Associate Professor of Biology

Email: unger@lvc.edu

Phone: 717-867-6178

Office Location: Neidig-Garber 141

B.S., Lebanon Valley College; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University

Neuroscience and Nutrition

Research & Practice Areas:
Iron deficiency and its impact on the brain

My current research focuses on iron deficiency and its impact on the brain. We use rodent and cell culture models to investigate the neurobiological alterations that underlie the negative behavioral outcomes associated with iron deficiency.

  • Editorial Board, Nutritional Neuroscience

*Within the last five years

C.B. Jenney, D.N. Alexander, B.C. Jones, E.L. Unger, P.S. Grigson. (2016) Preweaning iron deficiency increases non-contingent responding during cocaine self-administration in rats. Physiology and Behavior, 167: 282-288.

R.S. Clement, E.L. Unger, O.M. Ocón-Grove, M.L. Mulvihill (2016) Oscillated needle reduces insertion force and yields lower corticosterone levels in serial blood samples collected from rat tail veins. The Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 55(2): 204-212.

E.L. Unger, B.C. Jones, L.E. Bianco, R.P. Allen, C.J. Earley (2014) Diurnal variations in brain iron concentrations in BXD RI mice.  Neuroscience, 263: 54-59.

E.L. Unger, L.E. Bianco, B.C. Jones, R.P. Allen, C.J. Earley (2014) Low brain iron effects and reversibility on striatal dopamine dynamics.  Experimental Neurology, 261C: 462-468.

E.L. Unger, C.J. Earley, L. Thomsen, B.C. Jones, R.P. Allen (2013) Effects of IV iron isomaltoside treatment on brain and peripheral iron status in an iron-deficient animal model of restless legs syndrome (RLS). Neuroscience, 246:179-185.

  • Human Nutrition
  • Anatomy
  • Neuroanatomy of Disease
  • General Biology