Health Services FAQs

Shroyer Health Services is open Monday-Friday 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. during the fall and spring semesters.

Health Center appointments are available, at no cost to full-time students. Complete this form to request an appointment. Office number is 717-867-6232 (ext 6232).

For an appointment with local providers please check out Local Resources.

Frequenty Asked Questions

Where is the Shroyer Health Center located?

We are located in a large red brick house across the street from the music building at 83 E. Sheridan Ave.


How do I make an appointment to see a counselor?

The counselors’ offices are located on the second floor of the health center. You need to call the health center at ext. 6232 to make an appointment.


If I’m sick and can’t get to class, will the health center give me an excuse?

No, the health center does not give excuses for missed classes. Any missed class is between you and your professor.

If you are given an excuse note by an off-campus provider, you must submit it using this form.