Dr. Michael B. Kitchens

Michael Kitchens

Professor of Psychology

Email: kitchens@lvc.edu

Phone: 717-867-6197

Office Location: Clyde A. Lynch 287-G

Readings in Psychology, General Psychology, Research Methods in Psychology, Statistics & Data, Social Psychology

Research & Practice Areas:
Self and identity, Self-regulation, and the Psychology of Religion and Meaning


Michael Kitchens (2015). Thinking about God causes internal reflection in believers and unbelievers of God. Self & Identity, 14(6),724-747.

Russell Phillips, III & Michael Kitchens (2016). Augustine or Philistine? College students’ sanctification of learning and its implications. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 26, 80-94.

Steve Buzinski & Michael Kitchens (2017). Self-regulation and social pressure reduce prejudiced responding and increase motivation to be non-prejudiced. The Journal of Social Psychology, 157(5), 629-644.

Michael Kitchens & Russell E. Phillips, III (in press). A curvilinear relationship between clear beliefs about God and self-concept clarity. Psychology of Religion & Spirituality. doi: 10.1037/rel0000181.Â